How do we ensure all students feel a sense of belonging?
Certain groups of young people do not achieve their academic potential, held back by the need to create safety for themselves. How do we begin to relieve them of this burden?

Can trauma be inherited?
Increasingly compelling research continues to mount suggesting it’s more than just physical features we pass down.

How do you help a vulnerable young person?
Caregiving is as much a relationship as it is a skill. Learn about some key fundamentals in developing a relationship with a vulnerable young person.

Why is psychology-based mentoring vital for young people?
A foundational level of psychoeducation during adolescence can make this highly developmental period easier to navigate, whilst also making young people more resilient for future life challenges.

Why are mental health issues amongst young people on the rise?
Studies have shown today’s teens to be significantly less happy than previous generations. What’s changed?
Get in touch.
If you are a senior member of an organisation that is responsible for the care of vulnerable young people, get in touch to discuss the services I can offer.